Ninja says...

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sticks and Stones Show

Today Year 2's watched a very exciting story. In the play we met two young men - Joe and Toby. During the show Toby finds out what makes him angry and how he can learn to stop picking on other people. The messages we heard from Joe and Toby were....

DON’T be a BULLY…STOP. Think, breathe, walk away.
DON’T be a TARGET…SPEAK UP. Stand tall. Tell someone.


Mrs B and 2S said...

The Sticks and Stones show was fun for 2S because they did funny actions. Oscar had to play a role in the performance.

Sienna said...

Sticks and Stones was so cool.

Sienna said...

Sticks and Stones was so cool.