Ninja says...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Family Graph and Ditto

Boy were we busy in 2BP this week!In Maths we looked at what a graph can do. Did you know that a graph can present information or data in a way that is easy to understand? 2BP collected data about how many people were in their family. Students had to draw a picture of all family members and we glued these pieces of paper onto a huge picture graph. At the end we could easily see that four people in a family was the winner. Our graph looks so cool don't you think?

This week we also had a visit from Ditto. Ditto comes from Bravehearts and he helped us to think about all the things we need to do to keep safe. Did you know that we all have the right to feel safe with people and when we have "no" feelings our body can give us warning signs. Goose bumps, butterflies in the tummy, fast heart and wobbly knees can tell us that we are having a "no" feeling. "Yes" feelings on the other hand tell us that we feel safe. We need to remember that it's ok to say "No" if you feel unsafe or unsure.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Fairy Bread and Caritas

This week in 2BP we talked a lot in Maths about half. We investigated how many equal parts you needed to divide something into to have a half. We found pictures in magazines and made posters showing different objects cut in half and we even made Fairy Bread. We had to cut our bread in half (there are different ways to do this) and of course we got to eat it!

Today we have just finished walking around the school oval three times for Caritas K's. This is to help us understand that in some countries, like Cambodia, people need to walk a long way to get their water for the day. Our class carried teddy bears on their backs and we were very thirsty when we finished our walk. We are very lucky here in Australia that we only have to walk to a tap to get our water.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Skittles and Good Choices

This week in 2BP we did lots of work in Maths on subtraction and difference. We played a game called Take Away Skittles where we had to knock down as many skittles as we could and write a matching subtraction number sentence on the whiteboard. No one got a strike out where they knocked all ten of the skittles over (10 - 10 = 0) but we did have lots of fun.

We talked a lot this week about what being part of a team means to us. We decided as a class that T E A M stands for Together Everyone Achieves More! Our class also learnt about a Good Choices Plan to help us decide the right choice to make when we are faced with a problem. We played a great game about a family camping holiday where good choices, like helping to look after your little sister, rewarded you with moving extra spaces on the game.

Friday, March 5, 2010

World Maths Day, Keyboards and being Fair

This week in 2BP we have been very busy. In Word Study we used laminated computer keyboards to help us to practice our Word Wall Words. This was fun but a little tricky finding the correct letters!

Wednesday was World Maths Day and everybody played Live Mathletics with children from all over the world. We tested our maths skills and knowledge with students from China, the USA, Spain and other schools in Australia. 2BP had a great time winning as many points as they could for our school.

In Unit Work this week we talked about what being fair is like. We worked in small groups and talked about six different stories where we had to decide if they were fair or unfair. We then had to think about what 'fair' looked like in colours, patterns and pictures.

WOW - we need the weekend to rest!!!