Ninja says...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Bread and Butter

This week in 2BP we talked about the food that would have been eaten in the "olden days". We looked at the daily menu of a child in the 1900's and compared the food with what we eat today. We all decided that we much rather eat the food we have today! As part of our learning on food from the past we baked bread and made butter in our classroom. It was fantastic to come into our classroom and smell fresh baked bread and it tasted really good. We topped the bread with the butter we made using fresh cream and a marble mixed in a container by shaking and golden syrup.

The mystery item from last week was a button hook used on a ladies shoe. In the past shoes had a lot of tiny buttons on them which were too small for fingers to do up and undo. This weeks mystery item is from the farm and was used on an animal. Good luck with you answers - don't forget to post your comment.

Friday, October 23, 2009


This week in 2BP we learnt about half-past times and played a great game that Mrs S had made called Time Bingo. You had to cross off the half-past times on your card as they were called by the Time Keeper . This week we also participated in the national Count Me In activity where the whole school sang about music being everything. We sounded so good!
Our mystery item from last week was a potato cutter that could make flat crinkly chips. Did you get it right? This weeks is a little harder as it is a very old tool that is not used at all these days. Leave a comment with you answer. Good luck!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Stand Up For Poverty

Today in 2BP we are all dressed in white to show our support to end POVERTY! Our school registered on the Stand Up and Take Action site and today we will all meet on the playground to repeat the pledge to end poverty now.

This week in class we also continued our work on The Way We Were. We learnt the parts of a friendly letter so that we can start to think about writing a letter back to Mary L from 1948 telling her what school is like for us now. The two mystery items from our display table have been aprons and a record - well done to those of you who guessed right. Ask Mum or Dad how these items were used. This weeks item from our display of old things is a hard one. I even had to check to see what it was used for! Good luck and leave a comment with your answer.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Way We Were

This week in 2BP we started a new Unit of work for Term 4. This term we are looking back at our history and The Way We Were! We have investigated what travel would have been like in the 1800's using the Cobb & Co Coach Company and we have received a letter from Mary L who went to our school in 1948. Our classroom has a display table of old wares that we are bringing in from home - it looks fabulous! Here is a picture of one of the items on our display table. Do you know what it is and what it was used for? Leave a comment with you answer.

Monday, October 5, 2009


What a wonderful break we had but it is wonderful to be back and see all our wonderful friends in 2BP. This term is going to be absolutely great fun as we look back at how things once were. Keep checking the blog as there will be some very interesting items to look at and try and work out what they are... Do you know what these things are that are hanging on the clothes line? Please tell us if you know what they are and what they are used for!

Happy 4th term

Mrs P and Mrs B