Ninja says...

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Fact Families

This week in Maths we have been exploring Fact Families. Did you know that we can write two addition and two subtraction number sentences using just three numbers? 2S were superstars at completing Fact Families!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Field of Poppies


This week in Art we have finished our Field of Poppies. Our artwork has been inspired by Claude Monet's impressionist painting of a field of red poppies in France. Our artwork has bold colour but with little detail and the image comes to life when you step away and view the painting from a distance.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Clay the snail can race a snake

 This week in 2S we read a great book about a snail and a whale who travelled the world together. There were lots of words in the book that had our sound this week. Can you guess what the sound was?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Simpson and his donkey

 Today in History we read a story about a brave soldier named John Simpson. John served his country during World War 1 in Gallipoli. He used a donkey named Duffy to help him transport injured soldiers from the battlefield to the hospital on the beach. He was a hero.