Ninja says...

Friday, August 29, 2008

Kite Flying!

2BP have been busy making and decorating kites as part of our Eye on China Unit this term. Did you know that the Chinese people invented kites around 3000 years ago. Today we finally put the finishing touches on our kites and took them out onto the oval for a test. WOW! Did they fly? Yes they did.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mass for Year 2 this Saturday

Everyone is welcome to come along to 6pm Mass this Saturday Night! Looking forward to seeing you there! :)

Monday, August 18, 2008


Today we had a visit from the SEAT (Spinal Awareness Team) people. We saw tow men in wheelchairs and both of them were called Wayne! They were very amusing and taught us to be safe and protect our spine. To do this we must wear seat belts, not rock on chairs, wear helmets and always check the depth before diving into any water!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Art Show!

Roll up roll up for the Art Show of the Year! This will be a great night for veiwing Art work of local artists

Dylan's Last Day

Today was Dylan's last day at school. He is moving to Malaysia with his family and will be living in Kuala Lumpur. Dylan has promised to keep in touch with his friends from 2BP using his Blog. We can't wait to hear what living in Malaysia is like - going to school, shopping, playing sport, meeting new friends, eating different foods and learning a new language. Here we are looking at the world map to find Malaysia.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Our Visit to the Ekka

On Friday the 8th of August, 2BP visited the Ekka along with a number of very helpful Mum's and Dad's. We caught the train to the Ekka and arrived just in time to have morning tea in the Enchanted Forest. Some of us took part in a Musical Statues game before we headed off to see some of the Pavilions - the Woolworths, Queensland Government, Agricultural and China displays. Some of us even managed to squeeze in a quick visit to the Animal Nursery to pat some baby animals. The highlight of the day had to be the Showbag Pavilion where we shopped for our favourite show bags. The train was very busy and crowded on the way back to Manly but we all managed to get a seat and chat about our very exciting day. We had a fantastic time at Ekka 08!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Eye on China

This term 2BP are learning about China. We have decorated our classroom with dragons and lanterns and have learnt a little about the people and customs of China. We will also be following the Beijing Olympics.