Ninja says...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bean growing

In Science we are growing beans to observe how a plant can grow and change. Last week we planted a Lima bean in cotton wool and wet it with a little water. The containers with our beans have been getting lots of sun and we have been watching to see what changes are happening. They are now starting to grow and change.


SJV had a special visit last week from an author, Lisa Hollier and illustrator, Tracey Roper. Their book is called Hullabazoo! It is the story of a young boy, Lachlan, who goes on a trip to the zoo with his dad. Things start to turn a little crazy when Lachlan drops his hat into the water. The illustrations are wonderful with lots of detail and colour. Tracey told us that they took hundreds of photos at zoos and of their family. Then she put them on the computer like a collage. When she was happy with the final picture she painted it. What a fantastic artist!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Jackson T a tennis star!

Great news from 2S! Jackson won the Under 8 Tennyson Junior Classic Tennis Tournament on Sunday on the clay courts at Pat Rafter Arena. Jackson played against older and more experienced players and fought hard to win the final 6-1.

Happy Fathers Day

2S got ready for Fathers Day this year by creating a beautiful card including some writing about the five things they loved about Dad. Hope all you Dad's enjoyed our creations!