Ninja says...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Holiday Time

Term 3 has finally finished and 2BP headed off for two weeks of holidays this afternoon. It has been a very busy term for the class. Here are just a few of the things we have learnt in the past eleven weeks ....

  • 55 new word wall words

  • how to write a recount

  • the different environments we have in Australia

  • a recipe for spiritual health

  • how to go camping in the Great Outdoors

  • what are nouns, verbs, question marks and talking marks

  • how to play Around the World using our number facts to 20

  • read two class books - The BFG and Tashi

  • played Live Mathletics with students from other countries

Have a wonderful holiday 2BP! See you all in Term 3.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Recount and Liturgy

This week 2BP have been busy working on publishing their recounts of The Great Outdoors Campout. We have been using a word document to publish our work and have chosen font styles and inserted photographs from the campout to make our work look extra special. The class have learnt how to write a recount and how to use a word document this term and it has been great using all we know to publish our story from The Great Outdoors Campout.

This afternoon 2BP held a class liturgy in our classroom. Lots of mums, dads and family friends came along to hear what we had to say about being spiritual. This term we have been learning about our spiritual selves and todays liturgy was a chance to share what we know with family and friends.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bikes and Word Wall Words

In News Time this week Emily showed us her new bike. It was a lovely pink colour with gears and a very special seat. Emily told us all about how she is learning to ride her new bike and gave us a little demonstration on how well she does ride already.

In Reading Groups this week we listened to 'Wombat Stew' on the Listening Post. 2BP then got to practice the Word Wall Words for this week in a different way. They used playdough to make the words. Have a look at the photos and see if you can read the word they were trying to spell.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Great Outdoors Campout

There is only one thing that 2BP can blog about this week and it would be our excursion to Bayside Park for the Great Outdoors Campout. We had five parent helpers who walked down with our class to the park where we had to put up our tents and collect our Great Outdoors Passport. For every activity we participated in we got a stamp in our Passport. Activities included nature craft, mapping, shapes in nature, reading camping books in a tent, seashore exploring, fishing and camp games like bocce, frisbee and snakes and ladders. Our lunch was a sausage sizzle and because we were camping we even got to toast marshmallows at the end of the day. 2BP had a fabulous excursion in the Great Outdoors!