Ninja says...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Bee-Bot collects rubbish

This week in Maths, 2S have been giving instructions to program a Bee-Bot to land on a specific spot on a grid on the floor. A Bee-Bot is a bright yellow floor robot that can be programmed to move forwards or backwards, and turn left or right. Our Bee-Bot has been collecting rubbish and moving it to a rubbish bin.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


In Maths we have been learning about mass - how much an object weighs. We have been busy weighing things in our classroom to figure out how much mass there is. We have been using balance scales, kitchen scales, kilogram and gram weights. Today we weighed the Prayer table Bible and discovered that it weighed exactly 1 kilogram!


This week in Religion we have been learning about Advent which is the first season of the Church year. Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. The symbols of Advent include the colour purple or dark blue and the Advent wreath.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What are the features of a shopping centre?

Today we started our Geography task where we used the data we had collected on how many times we visited different shops during a week. We added our data to class data to show us shops that we visited the most and shops we visited the least.
We are now ready to compare the features of our local shops to another shopping centre (Manly Harbour Village 7 Day Markets) and to plan a new shopping centre. We have to make sure we include ALL important features that a shopping centre would need.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Soil Investigation

Today in Science we investigated two different types of soil. We used a magnifying glass to really look at the soil samples and we asked questions - what colour is the soil, what does the soil feel like and what does the soil look like?