Ninja says...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Reading People and Dice Rolls

We have had another very busy week here in the 2BP classroom. This week in Religion we found out about some different groups that help others. We took a look at websites for World Vision, Australian Red Cross and Caritas. After reading information and watching video clips the class talked about what these groups did to help others around the world and here in Australia and perhaps how we can help when people are in trouble. From this activity the class then looked at photographs of people and in small groups talked about the feelings and spirit shown in the images. We then had a go at 'reading' each other from just the expression on our face and how we held our body.
In Maths this week we learnt a lot of different things but the most fun we had as a class was when we investigated dice rolls. We each had 10 minutes to roll a dice and keep tally marks of how many of each number we rolled. From there we sorted the data (made sense of the information we had collected) and placed the numbers onto a class table. The winner was 6 with 294 rolls. The least number of rolls with a score of 205 was 3. We then added up all the data and discovered that the class had rolled the dice 1504 times! Wow!


Anonymous said...

I am sure 2BP had a great week.
How exciting was it when you had to roll the dice and see how many times you could get 6.

What will this week bring?

Anonymous said...

it's good you learned about World Vision.
From Ella

Sam's Blog said...

IT looks like you've been busy.