Ninja says...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Time and Persuasion

This week in 2V we have spent all week in maths learning about telling the time - o'clock, half past,quarter to and quarter past. We used clocks and played games to help us to remember how to tell the time in these different ways.

Yesterday 2V had to persuade Mrs B to give the class more free time. Everyone wrote a very good persuasion with great openings, strong arguments and fabulous conclusions about why they should have more free time. Mrs B wrote her own persuasion about why 2V already have too much free time. After listening to eveyone's persuasion it was decided that 2V would have free time on Friday - 2V were very persuasive!

1 comment:

Miss R said...

2V had a marvelous persuasion and are developing their persuasive writing skills very nicely. Watch out world here come some very persuasive kids.