Ninja says...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pancake Tuesday Races

On Tuesday we celebrated Pancake Tuesday by having pancake races on the oval. Pancake Tuesday or “Shrove Tuesday” is also known as Fat Tuesday and is the last day before the beginning of Lent. The tradition of Pancake Tuesday goes back to the Middle Ages when on the last day before Lent people started to eat up all of the rich foods they had in their home (like eggs, butter, sugar) before they began the fast of 40 days during Lent. 2S had a lot of fun racing with their pancakes!


Emma's Mum said...

Emma had a great time and only dropped her pancake 3 times but that didn't stop her brushing it off and eating it!! How I wish I could have shared it with her.

max said...

The pancake race was fun