Ninja says...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A New Class for 2009!

It's a new school year and 2BP has welcomed twenty-four new class members to its room. We have only been at school for a week but already we have set class rules, unpacked all of our new books for the year and made some new friends. So far we have learnt our numbers to twenty (20), days of the week, O'clock times, read a great class book called "The Horrible Holiday", added our first five words to our Word Wall, completed four pages in our Sounds Right, Reads, Write book and seen how Reading Groups work in the classroom. Whew!!!! Homework and News Time start next week and today Mrs Bednall showed the class how News Time works. Our Stamp Books are filling fast with reward stamps for good choices and hard work. Some students are very close to having ten stamps - the exact number you need to have a pick from the PRIZE BOX! Stay tuned for more exciting news during the year from 2BP.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! what a great start to the blogging year.I like the look of your new class. Mabe you and your class can visit 45js blog.
Melissa 4/5J